I got frosted…now what?

How to hedge your losses I had an macroeconomics professor preface the start of the semester stating that any question asked in his class was answerable with “it depends”…or “China”. While I don’t remember a ton about that class or the intricacies of U.S. tariff policy towards Chinese manufacturing, I find that at least the […]
Can I rely on wind for frost protection?

How can I find out? Despite the deluge we Californians got this winter and early spring, we’re not out of the drought. Many of the state’s groundwater basins are still overdrafted, some by a lot. The reason we’re in dire straits right now is because of agriculture. There are not enough low-flow toilets in the […]
Why was yield low this year?

Why was yield low this year? All over California, tonnage came up shy Not to state the obvious… There are a lot of factors contributing to the low yield this year. Let’s address the most glaringly obvious one: things got hot. September temperatures reached over 105° in many parts of the state and stayed that […]
Breaking down frost protection

Breaking down frost protection If you can’t get out of it, get into it Frost season was particularly brutal up and down the West Coast this year. With continued early springs brought on by climate change (or the chem trails…eyeroll) it looks like this may be something we just need to get used to. So […]