Looking like a great year (for trunk disease)

Looking like a great year (for trunk disease) Sorry to be a Negative Nancy… The recent rain we’ve been getting is certainly a welcome change for us in California. Wet weather does, however, present other challenges especially going into the pruning season. That’s right. I’m talking about trunk disease. It’s everywhere, and like viruses, growers […]
Ask a viticulturist: Unexplained splitting of the trunk

Ask a viticulturist: Unexplained splitting of the trunk Could this be winter injury in California? We recently got a call out to a vineyard in the Russian River AVA of Sonoma county to take a look at something weird: unexplained splitting of the bark on the rootstock portion (O39-16 was the most affected) of young […]
Esca and Young Vine Decline: what you should know

Esca and Young Vine Decline: What you should know. One of the wisest things ever told to me was “If you can’t get out of it, get into it”. This phrase came into my life while working a boring summer job as an angsty teenager almost two decades ago and since then I have never […]
Ask a viticulturist: How do I manage my Red-Blotch-infested vineyard?

Ask a viticulturist: How do I manage my Red-Blotch-infested vineyard? I have a vineyard with a fair amount of Red Blotch in it. It’s not enough to justify pulling the whole vineyard. Can I manage those vines differently so that I get a quality crop in the meantime? Thanks for reaching out! In response to […]
Will there be a spray-on cure for Pierce’s Disease?

Will there be a spray-on cure for Piearce’s Disease? A grape-derived peptide holds promise as testing continues The following is reprinted from Wine Business Monthly’s August 2020 issue. Read the original article here. I recently spoke with some of the players on the team: Michelle Miller, Co-founder and Manager of Innate Immunity, Goutam Gupta, Senior […]
Ask a Viticulturist: How to prevent Sour rot

Ask a Viticulturist: How to prevent Sour rot in the vineyard A disease complex that hits you right in the c(rot)ch We’ve got our first Ask-a-Viticulturist question! This one is from a grower in Ukiah, Mendocino County, California. This grower writes: We had a problem with sour rot in some Sauvignon Blanc this year. How […]