And the time to irrigate is…now?

The time to irrigate is…now? As if frost season didn’t suck enough Happy budbreak! Actually “budburst”, as I’m told that is the more accurate term. Or perhaps you’re in the Southern hemisphere and are celebrating the end of harvest…good for you, mates. Archive the crap out of this post. For the rest of us though, […]
Breaking Down Plant Stress: there’s no substitute for boots on the ground…yet

Breaking Down Plant Stress There’s no substitute for boots on the ground…yet By Dr. Mark Greenspan and Loni Lyttle Here at AV, we make our irrigation recommendations based on three primary pieces of information: soil moisture dynamics, leaf water potential, and stomatal conductance. We also look at the vine (shoot length and elongation and foliar […]
Should you be irrigating this winter?

Should you be irrigating this winter? With a potential drought on the horizon, vines will need water sooner than you think. As though 2020 couldn’t get any more biblical, it looks like we could be headed for another drought. So far this year, total rainfall is below average with respect to the previous five years. […]